

THE SPIN TIMELINE: It has gone chronologically something like this:
  1. It's not true. It's not true.
  2. It may be true but it's not ...
  3. Okay, it's ..., but isn't official policy.
  4. It may be true and official policy, but we changed the policy and we uncovered the abuses ourselves.
  5. It may be true, it may have been widespread, but we've punished the culprits. (Low Level)
  6. It may be true, it may have been widespread, it may still be happening, but all these reports are old news.
  7. "6.", but it is also being done by our enemies.
  8. "6." but it was done for a higher good.
Examples of ...:
  • Torture
  • Stating that there were WMD's
  • Calling the others "like" Hitler

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