

Interesting sites:

Various 2004 lists,about 250 as of Dec/13, from fimoculous is a micro-organism that lives in its own excrement, oftentimes consuming it for sustenance.

interesting profiles of all U.S. cities
(and Zip codes). Thousands of pictures, maps, satellite photos, stats about residents (race, income, ancestries, education, employment...), geographical data, crime data, housing, businesses, political contributions, weather, hospitals, schools, libraries, houses, airports, radio and TV stations, zip codes, area codes, user-submitted facts, similar cities list, comparisons to averages.

You Say Napster, I Say Grokster -- What do you do when technology outpaces the law? -- Slate

2004 Weblog Awards - That's A Wrap. [About]

Newspapers with RSS: A List


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Well done!
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