
09 Sept sites

The Weatherman Is Not a Moron  By NATE SILVER NYT, September 7, 2012

The World Future Society

The Heart of the US Election 

CBO on 'fiscal cliff': newest estimate is gloomiest yet (Christian Science Monitor) (CBO Report) Sept, 2012
  • The CBO, Congress's budget watchdog, warns that the US economy will 'probably' slide back into recession, if the tax hikes and spending cuts mandated for year's end take effect.
  • Baseline -- Allowing fiscal cliff-like fiscal policy to continue for the next decade would lower US deficits to just 0.9 percent of GDP in 2022 with the nation's overall debt falling... to 58 percent in 2022. 
  •  Alternate -- [I]f current tax laws are extended and spending cuts are eliminated, a deficit averaging 5 percent of GDP over the next decade with America owing 90 percent of its GDP in debt come 2022.

New Report on Getting the Best Care

At the National Conventions, the Words They Used (Dynamic)

Orszag: IPAB Will Promote Higher-Value Health Care
Independent Payment Advisory Board Will Help Reduce Health Costs, Repealing IPAB Would be Unwise 

Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions
Are you more (or less) liberal than President Obama? Take our quiz!

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital By Matt Taibbi,  How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with the bill

A Look Behind the U.S. Decline in Global Competitiveness

Republicans Are Wrong on Call for Gold Standard
Wealth doesn’t trickle down – it just floods offshore
9 bad decisions people make because of the sunk cost fallacy

Customizable Shortcuts -- Allows to customize Firefox shortcu

Bill Clinton’s Speech: Read the Full Text Here (Barack's 2012 nomination)

Tech: 7 Important Features Your Wireless Router Has And You Should Be Using
Astronomy Photographer Of The Year Competition: Selected Images From The Royal Observatory Greenwich's Competition
We decided to test alkaline, lithium and zinc-chloride cells to find the best AA batteries you can buy for your money on the highstreet and online.

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