

Palo Alto is implementing a second (No Closure) traffic plan for the Down Town North area. Comments on this plan can be added below. Specific topics may be added as requested. (Stay tuned...)



Retail related Issues that can be impacted by the City of Palo Alto

There were 15 ideas presented (see) and the top 5 were identified. The public was given the opportunity to contribute their ideas and comments.

Please comment on these ideas, their priority, and any additonal ones here.


Mayor's Retail Council of Palo Alto

Palo Alto's Mayor Bern Beecham has formed a "Retail Council" to discuss ways to improve the retail community in Palo Alto. Until the council sets up their own site for discussing this topic, pointing to the resources available, and allowing intercommunitcaion between the council and the citizens, this Blog entry, and the WeMatter.com/paloalto/retail WEB area can be use as a "stop-gap"

I suggest that you add the comments about the topic in general below, and there will be another entry speciffically for the issues that might be proposed.



I am learing about how to use Blog as I want it to. The two styles that I am suggesting are:
. 1) Keep the title short so that it is easy to point to, generating a link:

. 2) Keep the posting short so that it is easy to find a post and then put the "Meat" of the posting either in the Web page pointed to by the title or in the first comment. Note: I may change the (Comments) title to a (More/Comments) field.


Palo Alto DownTown library -- Saturday Closing

Dear Downtown Library Supporter:

Of Palo Alto’s five libraries, only the Downtown Library isn’t open at all on weekends. About a year ago, the city eliminated Saturday service at both the Downtown and College Terrace libraries in a round of general budget cuts, leaving both closed all weekends. Later, the city found some additional funds and Saturday hours were restored at the College Terrace Library. Council members wanted to restore Saturday hours to the Downtown Library at the same time, but city staff noted that the branch might soon be closed altogether, and so the Council narrowly voted not to restore its Saturday hours.

Since then, great community outcry has kept the Downtown Library open, and there are no plans to close it at all. Now, we want the City Council have it open on Saturdays, just like all the others.

This wouldn’t cost much. Paula Simpson, Palo Alto’s Library Director, estimates it will need under $15,000, which comes to less than 25 cents per resident per year. That modest amount is only about 1/3 of one percent of the annual library budget, yet is likely to increase annual library visits by 2%, based on recent statistics, so it’s great value for the money.

Saturday hours will mean much better service. The Downtown area is busy nowadays, with thousands of new residents moving into housing being built on the former sites of the Palo Alto Medical Center, the Peninsula Creamery, and other old buildings. It isn’t fair that these people don’t have library services on weekends when all other parts of Palo Alto do. In fact, because the Downtown Library closes at 6 pm on the four days it currently is open, downtown residents who work elsewhere cannot get to the library at all.

Other Palo Altans come downtown on Saturdays to shop, especially at the Farmer’s Market, which is just two short blocks away from the Downtown Library. Having the library open on Saturdays gives those shoppers an enjoyable place to stop in to read or pick up books and videos and saves on driving.

Here’s how you can help:

1) Send the City Council a short letter asking them to restore Saturday hours at the Downtown Library. You can send it by post to City Council, 250 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 or by Mailto:city_council@city.palo-alto.ca.us.

2) Forward a copy of your letter to your favorite local newspaper:

The Palo Alto Daily News (Mailto:news@paloaltodailynews.com)
324 High St., Palo Alto, CA 94301

The Palo Alto Weekly (Mailto:letters@paweekly.com)
703 High St., Palo Alto, CA 94301

The San Jose Mercury News
750 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose CA 95190

3) Attend the June 14 City Council meeting at 7 pm to address the Council. Public comment on issues like this are the very first item on the agenda, so you won’t have to sit through a lengthy meeting.


. Jeff Levinsky, President
. Friends of the Palo Alto Library


Interesting Diagrams/Charts

A lot of information is available as Diagrams and charts. I have included some of the ones that seem to be good.

Note: As I am starting with those on the Blog UggaBugga it is probable that they are generally Anti bush, but hopefully as I get more contributions I can point to others to balence out the information. Any suggestions can be mailed to me, and if the anyone wants to comment on these, or if I decide not to feature them, they can be commented on here.


Univ.South News May 28-2004

I forwarded a message from University South to the DTNNA mailing list and here this is an area for comments on the information... Note: I am adding the comments that people mail to me as I did not link to this in the message.